Folk Art meets Fashion
CD:Chang Ying Sin
AD:Liang Chu Ching Chang Ying Sin
D:Liang Chu Ching
CL:Ridge Studio
Curator:Florence Lu
Advisory Organization:Ministry of Culture
Organizers:National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute
█周裕穎 Justin, Yu-Ying CHOU╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 莊武男 ZHUANG Wu-Nan╱傳統彩繪 Traditional Painting Art
█唐宗謙 TANG Tsung-Chien╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 東華皮影戲團 TUNG-HUA Shadow Puppet Theater╱皮影戲 Shadow Puppet
█許艷玲 HSH YEN-LIN╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 陳一中 CHEN I-Chang╱紙雕工藝 Paper Sculpture
█潘怡良 Gioia PAN╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 唐美雲 TANG Mei-Yun╱歌仔戲 Taiwanese Opera
█簡國彥 Bob JIAN╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 鎮狩宮吳敬堂藝陣社 Zhen Shou Temple Wu Jing Tang╱什家將 Folk Parade Club
█簡君嫄 Chun-Yuan JEAN╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 王清霜 WANG Ching-Shuang╱漆藝 Lacquer Art
█魏子淵 WEI Tzu-Yuan╱時裝設計師 Fashion Designer ╳ 陳夏生 CHEN Hsia-Sheng╱傳統繩結 Traditional Knot Weaving
The 'Folk Art meets Fashion' exhibition, curated by seasoned fashion media figure Florence Lu, is an unprecedented collaboration between national treasure-level artisans and fashion designers. The exhibition uses text, manuscripts, and images to convey the creative narratives and dialogues that are hard to fully express on the runway.
The challenge of this project lies in balancing modernity and tradition.
In visual design, we use minimalist lines to depict the contours of the clothing, capturing the classic elements of different crafts to emphasize the main themes of fashion and folk art performances. To present the richness and exciting dialogues of multiple cross-disciplinary collaborations we complement this with bright color variations to create a unique and clear visual system, which serves as an index for connecting and deeply exploring the world of craft fashion.
The 'Folk Art meets Fashion' exhibition, curated by seasoned fashion media figure Florence Lu, is an unprecedented collaboration between national treasure-level artisans and fashion designers. The exhibition uses text, manuscripts, and images to convey the creative narratives and dialogues that are hard to fully express on the runway.
The challenge of this project lies in balancing modernity and tradition.
In visual design, we use minimalist lines to depict the contours of the clothing, capturing the classic elements of different crafts to emphasize the main themes of fashion and folk art performances. To present the richness and exciting dialogues of multiple cross-disciplinary collaborations we complement this with bright color variations to create a unique and clear visual system, which serves as an index for connecting and deeply exploring the world of craft fashion.