AD:Liang Chu Ching Chang Ying Sin
D:Liang Chu Ching
P:April Chang
PM:Chang Ying Sin
CL:ESPpop Holistic Healing Solutions-Herbs & Gems Shamanic Life Style
✹☾⬭ₒ 2024PACHAMAMA薩滿大地媽媽 ◗◗ 創世慶典 ₒ⬭☽✹
日期|2024/05/03 - 05/05
地點|無礦mineless 新北市三峽區金圳里圳頭119號之1
傳說,在印加的黑暗時代,來自時間深處的 Viracocha 維拉科查從石頭中帶來大地、太陽、月亮和星星,他向石頭吹了一口氣創造巨人和人類;古印加文明石塊疊著石塊,在安第斯山搭砌建築、圍牆和聖地。
知識體驗型媒體「薩滿大地媽媽 Pachamama」以生態、文化和靈性為核心,向大眾傳遞薩滿文化。2024年,慶典以創世之神「Viracocha 維拉科查」為主軸,於山林石頭圍繞的三峽古礦場 無礦mineless 展開。
Legend has it that in the dark ages of the Inca, Viracocha emerged from the depths of time, bringing forth the earth, sun, moon, and stars from the stones. He breathed life into the stones, creating giants and humans. The ancient Inca civilization built their structures, walls, and sacred sites in the Andes Mountains by stacking stone upon stone.
The knowledge-based experiential media "Shaman Mother Earth Pachamama" focuses on ecology, culture, and spirituality, spreading shaman culture to the public. In 2024, the celebration will be centered around the creation god "Viracocha" and will take place at the Mineless old quarry in Sanxia, surrounded by forests and stones.
The poster is based on the creation legend, combining the rough textures of stones and the radiant rays of the sun to create an organic, intuitive visual design that infuses the event with the essence of nature and the earth.